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With the dependence on social media at its highest peak, teenagers and kids from schools all over the world are being targeted as victims of Cyberbullying. The accessibility of social media is higher than ever before, and so are the suicide rates. Although physical bullying is just as prevalent, it is more visible and much easier to spot.. cyberbullying is a more invisible form of harassment which happens behind screens, and people often don’t understand the weight of their words. The ultimate goal of our campaign is to create a platform that allows victims’ voices to be heard, and to make bullies understand the consequences of their actions, by observing the damage they have caused. Victims can use this platform to share their stories anonymously, which will then be used to demonstrate the effect of cyberbullying. By posting these short stories all around our school, in different social media platforms; bullies will be reminded by the effect of their words, and for victims, the comfort of opening up.

Our Mission: Who We Are
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